Silver Medal
Project Name:
Regulatıon of M694V Mutatıon wıth Prıme Edıtıng in Hematopoıetıc Stem Cells
Team Members

Kader Çakır graduated from Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Necmettin Erbakan University in 2021. She participated in national and international projects and acted as a project manager. Her areas of interest are microbiology, virology and immunology.

Melike BAYAR
Melike Bayar has graduated from Molecular Biology and Genetics, Necmettin Erbakan University in 2021. Her areas of interest are microbiology, immunology and pharmacology.

Zehra GÜN
Zehra GÜN graduated from Konya Necmettin Erbakan University Molecular Biology and Genetics 2021. Her fields of interest are neuroscience, genetic diseases, pharmacology. She aims to improve herself in every aspect.

Ümmügülsüm TEKELİOĞLU has graduated from Molecular Biology and Genetics, Necmettin Erbakan University in 2021. Her areas of interest are embryology, stem cell and pharmacology. She did an internship in the molecular biology and embryology laboratory. His goal is to improve himself by conducting research in the light of science.

Merve BAŞTUTAN has graduated from Molecular Biology and Genetics, Necmettin Erbakan University in 2021. Her areas of interest are cell tissue, organoid and oncology. She worked as a scientific blog page manager for a while. Her aim is always to do more research and improve herself.